I have to say that 9th Mile Housing Estate Enugu, is a dream come true form me who have always wanted to own a masterpiece. With their flexible payment plan helped me pay off without even knowing it. I recommend this company over and over again.

I have to say that 9th Mile Housing Estate Enugu, is a dream come true form me who have always wanted to own a masterpiece. With their flexible payment plan helped me pay off without even knowing it. I recommend this company over and over again.
The Best, Easiest, Most supported, Most powerful real estate company i ever worked with.. SIMPLY AMAZING. The whole process is seamless and interesting as every questions have a legal document as an answer. I won’t forgot to mention that their customer support is amazing. Thank you very much indeed.
I was amazed to see the rate of construction going on in this estate at the moment. I could not help but swing into action. Owning a piece of the ear is one of the best investment options today.
Ninth Mile Housing Estates Limited
NINTH Mile is a wholly indigenous limited liability company incorporated as a special purpose vehicle
to provide professional constructions & engineering services for the successful delivery of the Ninth
Mile Housing Project.
The Companyâs promoters have been actively involved in Nigeriaâs infrastructure sector and have
proven track record in successful delivery of projects in Power, water resource development, general
construction, housing and road infrastructure.
The Project Promoters Client portfolio includes Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), World Bank, European
Union (EU) assisted projects, as well as several private sector clients across Nigeria
During the first days, they went along smoothly enough. The sea was not very unpropitious, the wind seemed stationary in the north-east, the sails were hoisted.